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TU Arts Box Office
8000 York Road
CA 3038
Towson, MD 21252

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Intersegmental 38 with the Baltimore Composers Forum

Intersegmental 38 with the Baltimore Composers Forum
February 22
How do we cross over the border with music? How do we prompt unity? How do we compose global peace? This concert of works by diverse members of the Baltimore Composers Forum draws inspiration from Mina Cheon’s series of “Dreaming Unification” paintings. Pieces explore the idea of crossing over the 38th parallel which runs through and connects both Maryland and Korea (DMZ). Featured composers include Jin-Hwa Choi, Se-Yeon Oh, Anna Rubin, Ha-Eun Lee, Young-Wook Lee, Keith Kramer, Garth Baxter, Janice Macaulay, Gavin Brown, Ljiljana Becker, Ian Rashkin, and Ariyo Shahry. Featured performers include Ji Eun Kim (soprano), Soyeun Jung (gayageum), Youngik Jang (guitar), Bonghee Lee, (piano), and Hyo Ju Lee (piano).

Come early and join artist Mina Cheon for her talk on the HAUNTED KOREAS: Dreaming Unification Protest Peace exhibition.
For parking information visit

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